Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Teachers Pay Teachers

I finally caved and joined the world of TpT!  I love it!  I have kept myself busy creating new work and fun packets to share with everyone.  So far, I only have about 20-21 items on there but am working hard on more.  If you are interested, head over to my store and check the things out that I have so far.  I have started selling the Alphabet Poster clip art and headers so I will not be sending those out anymore. Sorry!  Here is a link to my TpT store and I will add many posts sharing the items I have!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


I have no idea why I have not shared this before but if you would like to follow me on Pinterest, I have tons of Preschool boards!  

I divided my Preschool boards up into the months and I pin ideas for each theme into their month.  Also, I created boards for numbers, shapes, alphabet, patterns, opposites, worksheets, behavior, organization, decoration, centers, colors and more!

Here is the link to my Pinterest:

So sorry... my crazy life and Alphabet Posters!

So sorry I have been MIA... again!  Life is crazy with teaching preschool, being on our city's baseball board, baseball and t-ball seasons, dance for my daughter, PTO Officer at my son's school and so much more!  I am not even going back to update the last of my school year but will definitely show off some fun things later this Summer.

I have noticed e-mails regarding my Alphabet Posters and no, I am not ignoring you!  I will definitely go and get all the names of those who have requested them and send them.  

You may also comment on this post with your e-mail and I will send you the clip art for the Alphabet posters if you would like them.  

Coming later tonight... I just got done making my brand new number posters!  They turned out so cute and I am so excited to use them next year.  Yes, I know school just got out a few weeks ago but I never stop creating new things for my class!  Up next... Shape Posters!